Time to Bid Farewell

There have been a few times throughout the years where the privacy and anonymity of this blog has been compromised. Despite this, I’ve kept blogging and this blog is now in its seventh year. This time though….I don’t think I can any more. I was asked by the Head of OT at my university to come to a meeting today, and the Director of Fieldwork and someone from Counselling Services was also present. It was there I was informed that they had found and read this blog and now that they have, there is a duty of care to ensure I am medically fit to do fieldwork. Thus my next fieldwork placement is pending medical clearance from the doctor at the mental health clinic.

I feel so exposed. I have poured so much of me here that I have never shared in person. Yes, I’m the one who chose to blog publicly. It was never intended though for the eyes of those who know me personally, and I can say with certainty that I did not ever anticipate OT staff at my university would read it. I’m stunned and can’t quite believe this is actually happening. I’m horrified and mortified by how much my lecturers now know.

Over the years Behind the Facade has garnered a number of readers and followers and it’s been wonderful to connect with a whole community of mental health bloggers. Unfortunately a downside to the increased traffic is that you never know who may come across your blog, and who may choose to report you. First the hospital I was in a couple of years ago, and now the university. Who knows what’s next, and it’s just become too much of a risk. Though my archives have been made private for now, I may decide to make them public again in the future once I ensure I’ve eliminated all identifying information that could give me away.

So I guess it’s goodbye for now. Which is sad, as this blog has been an outlet for me in my worst times for the past few years. At the same time this blog has dropped in importance to me in relation to the other things I have in my life, and the mental health blogging community isn’t what it once was, so maybe now’s a time as good as ever.

Take care everyone and thank you for being a part of my journey xx


5 thoughts on “Time to Bid Farewell

  1. I’m sorry that you experienced such upsetting exposure. It’s very wrong and unfair that your personal expression has had such an immediate impact on your offline.
    I’m sad to see you cease blogging but your reaction is understandable. I truly hope you stay in the wings and perhaps one day return to write here.
    Take care of yourself and good luck in all you do! xx

  2. I always feel like it’s inappropriate for your school or employer to find and read your personal blog. I hope you get the clearance you need and can move on. Take care and good luck!

  3. I am so sorry that had to happen to you. I blog under a pseudonym so my employer or any people involved in my path to recovery can find my blog, just for these reasons you mentioned. I don’t ever want people in my real life (except for a handful that I trust with my life) to know about my blog. Because it’s like you say, it’s so private and you basically bare your soul using this platform as an outlet, and then it gets discovered by your employer etc. I don’t think they did you justice by reading your blog and then criticize your for it, but that’s just my opinion. I am sorry to see you go as I just subscribed to you, but I’ll keep subscribing in case you ever write again. 🙂

  4. I just wanted to wish you well. The blogging community has really fallen apart as people either end their lives or move on with their lives. I feel for you that you were discovered. It happened to me as well and it’s scary. We should all be allowed a place to be anonymous as we try to understand ourselves, but invasion (and granted, over sharing via social media) has drawn everyone in to nitpick our lives. I’ll miss checking in on your blog, but I am guessing this will be good for you. When we start to live outside of our diagnosis, I think we become healthier. Much love to you!

    Sanity is Knocking

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