YRS phone call & no BPD = no DBT

It’s odd when an interview to determine appropriateness for a particular service seems a bit like a job interview. It almost feels as though you have to sell yourself a certain way in order for them to accept you into their service. “What do you think you need help with?” Ummm…. “What would you want to work on the most?” Err…I dunno! Good thing it’s not a job interview, I wouldn’t be in with half a chance otherwise. The woman on the other end of the line at YRS (youth mental health service) told me she had looked up my health records and noticed I’d been referred for DBT. I confirmed yes, the psychiatrist at the psych ward had recommended I do DBT and thus the psychiatrist I was seeing at the time referred me to the DBT program a year ago. She said she’d ring A St (DBT place) to find out my position on the wait list, discuss with the team whether their service are able to accept me or not, and ring me back probably on Friday.

That same day in the afternoon I had an appointment with D. I told him of the outcome, in which the lady will contact A St and get back to me. D told me he was aware of the referral, but wasn’t sure DBT would be the best treatment for me though some of the skills could be useful. “Have you heard of something called Borderline Personality Disorder?” he asked me. I told him that I have. “Has anyone ever told you you have Borderline Personality Disorder?” I shook my head no. He told me he “doesn’t think I have it.” I couldn’t help feeling relieved and a little pleased upon hearing that. Though he also said it probably means I’m not eligible for DBT as they require a BPD diagnosis for admission into the program. No DBT for me? Gee what a pity… Can’t say I’m all that disappointed to be honest.

18 thoughts on “YRS phone call & no BPD = no DBT

  1. I don’t know that A St still has a BPD diagnosis requirement for their program. There never seemed to be any talk of it when I started it, though spmetimes they keep that stuff more behind the scenes I guess. It’s more that when you get assessed for your eligibility to do the group, they will check that your symptoms are something that DBT can help with. The basics of DBT (emotional regulation, distress tolerance etc) are pretty generic. It’s just that it’s proven to work with BPD, as that’s what it was developed for, but it can still help other people.
    That said, you know better than anyone what you think will help you, and if DBT isn’t one of those things then that’s ok. Do you think you would do any of the other groups to keep up some support?

  2. Whilst I’m glad you’ll probably be able to avoid DBT – as I recall you were as cynical about it as I’ve always been! – but still, that they’re still pissing you about is really infuriating 😦 You deserve some proper bloody treatment and some sort of stability from these idiots.


    Pan x

  3. but the question I’ve got is: what *are* they going to offer you? I’ve got reservations about DBT, but for months it’s been the only tangible thing in your care plan, and if this isn’t going to happen for you, there are 2 issues; what you get instead, and the fact no-one has bloody been communicating a viable care plan for you.

    I dunno, you sound a bit too accepting of this- you should be hopping mad; I suspect this reaction does mark you as a candidate for emotional disregulation issues. Not that you *want* BPD stamped on your forehead… hope you get the care you need, or frankly, any care, soon!

  4. I understand your attitude toward DBT. I’m ambivalent about it myself. It feels cold, much like mathematics felt to me when I was a young poet in high school (although, I may perhaps gain an appreciation for DBT as I discover more about it, just as I came to appreciate math on a very deep level).

    However, that said, it seems utterly ridiculous for any mental health professional to ignore the considerable amount of evidence in favor of DBT’s positive effect on populations entirely outside of borderlines, such as alcoholics, addicts, bipolars, depressives, etc. I mean, I wouldn’t want you to be shunted into a therapy that you didn’t want, but still, D is dead wrong according to the evidence on this.

    • Yeah I have heard that DBT can be effective for many mental health issues…though because DBT was originally designed for BPD and is shown to be ‘effective treatment’ for BPD, many places require a BPD diagnosis. Don’t know whether that’s the case in my area or not…

  5. My DBT group has people in it that suffer from other things than DBT. One guy has PTSD and he finds the groups really helpful. Don’t write it off yet and I think you would benefit from both distress tolerance and emotion regulation modules and thinking of it, probably interpersonal effectiveness might help too with how you relate to people. I love my DBT group and the people in it. I am very lucky to be in a completely supported group and it’s good that there are only a maximum of 9 allowed in. If the lady says you can do it, like I said, I think you would benefit from it.

  6. Therapists and psychiatrists were ALWAYS trying to push me into DBT because they didn’t know what else to do with me. That whole thing was just not for me, but DBT does really help some people. It all depends. However, forcing yourself into a treatment program you’re not fond off could not help much since you have no desire to be there. Of course there is always the chance you may like it too. But, it bothers me when MHP force their patients into things. As long as they’re not in a distressed state of mine, people who suffer from mental disorders are very capable of making their own decisions.

    • Hah yeah, I think DBT is one of those types of therapy that people really like to recommend to people who self harm…I’ve had a few mental health professionals, especially in the emergency department, who suggest DBT when they find out I self harm. x

  7. I really relate to what your saying here, and you have put it so well. Its ridiculous that a person almost has to ‘sell themselves” for a service they might need. what scares me sometimes, is that the proffessionals often dont appear to have a clue what to do with me. I had to tell my own GP exactly what meds were most likely to work for ‘someone like me’, and he prescribed them no question, because he didnt have a better idea.. I was told there was no specific self harm related help in the city, yet managed to find a project dedicated to it by myself, and also self referred. That ended up being the thing that saved me. There doesnt seem to be any decent communications between services, organisations and authorities. So bad…. x

    • it’s good you’re able to advocate for yourself and find services that could help you. Though you shouldn’t have to do it all by yourself, mental health professionals should help you too. Ugh! x

  8. Dear WillFindHope, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blog – well, perhaps ‘enjoy’ is not the right word, as I often worry what will happen next. But it has been a fantastic insight into how you are coping. I have just received a Liebster award, which gives me the opportunity to choose some more recipients, so I chose yours as one of mine. The details are in my post http://juliesmum.blogspot.com/2012/01/hey-award.html. love Juliesmum.

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